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Trekking Home

taking the scenic route and living a life without limits

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PCT 2025 Proposed Resupply

This is a tentative list on where I plan to resupply and where I am choosing to send boxes. All things subject to change, stay tuned for the actual version... Read More "PCT 2025 Proposed Resupply"


What the heck is highlining, how do you do it, how does one get into highlining, how the heck do you get those lines across.....all this and more Read More "Highlining"

A Year (ish) Post Tibia Plateau Fracture

*posted much later than a year- oops- written during that era though* It has been a year and 2 months since I broke my leg. I am back in Salt... Read More "A Year (ish) Post Tibia Plateau Fracture"


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When I was 18 years old, I took a gap year before beginning University. I set out to complete my first ever backpacking trip, alone. A thru-hike of the 2,189 mile Appalachian Trail. Walking from Georgia to Maine in 143 days. Find out more.

After my first year of University, with the taste of freedom still lingering, I set out to bike across the country. My friend Jenny and I biked from Yorktown, Virginia to Astoria, Oregon, along the Trans-American Bike trail in 72 days. Read about the journey.

I need to be more in the center–my last thought as the snow collapsed and the snowmobile and I were free falling off the bridge into the shallow creek below. Read here about the ensuing events of that sunny Colorado day and here to read more about the journey of recovery.

After nearly a decade away from the world of thru hiking, Lioness returns for another long distance hike. This time, setting off to hike 2,600 miles from the Mexico to Canada.

My name is Lynne Wummel, I also go by my trail name “Lioness”. Although, it’s been quite a few years since I’ve gone by that name daily. I’ve been deeply interwoven within the “real world” as of the last 8 years, since my 2017 thru-hike of the 2,200 mile Appalachian Trail. It is a busy world out here. In that time I’ve also biked across the U.S, learned Spanish (a continual process), done a variety of work in the outdoor industry and various fields of social work, broken a few bones, and lived in Spain, Colorado, Utah, and Michigan. I’ve earned a Bachelors in Social Work and Spanish and lived out of and in my car(s). The last couple years I have been living in a house with a big girl social work gig, in an amazing state, with a wonderful group of humans around me. I’ve been learning how to highline and really focusing my energy on that as well as stability, routine and community. I am a big fan of the growth zone and the flow state and I love doing things that allow me to interact with both of those.  Click here to read more.

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