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Biking Across America

The Trans-American Trail

The Trans-American bicycle trail is a 4,400 mile trail across the United States from Yorktown, VA to Astoria, OR crossing states such as Virginia, Kentucky, Illinois, Missouri, Kansas, Colorado, Wyoming, Idaho, and Oregon. The “trail” mainly consists of old highways, farm roads, and usually roads off the beaten path, except for one spot in Wyoming where the highway was the only option. Below is an interactive map of some spots we camped and some points of interest.


About the Trip

  • Biking Across America: An Overview
    It was the winter of 2018, I was adjusting to my first year of university after having taken a 143 day break from the real world. A break that led me to walk from Georgia to Maine, covering around 2, 189 miles and traveling through 14 states, completing a thru-hike of the Appalachian Trail. Thru-hiking the AT had been my dream …
  • Gear List and General Advice
    The following material is what I carried with me on my bike trip on the Trans American Trail and things that I found useful. There is no one way to bike across the country and there is no one gear list that is going to work for everyone. Take the following for what it is, and understand it is not an …

Read about the Journey from Yorktown, Virginia to Astoria, Oregon

  • The Prologue: Deciding and Preparing to Bike Across the United States
    (Written May 8th, 2018)             There’s something about travelling with your entire life strapped onto you. Something that is so liberating, being able to have everything you need to survive within …
  • Chapter 1: From Sea to Shining Sea
    (written May 22nd, 2018) 11 days ago my two friends and I hopped in a car with our bikes and equipment for the summer and drove on down to Yorktown, …
  • Chapter 2: Hidden Gems of the Rural South
    (written June 11th, 2018) It’s pretty amazing what you can see when you take the time to look, what you can experience when you don’t design barriers for yourself, and …
  • Chapter 3: The Wild West
    One of the best parts about traveling is the people that you meet along the way. The complete strangers that you chat with in the small or large towns that …
  • Chapter 4: The Great Expansion
    (written July 12th, 2018) 60 days ago my friend Jenny and I began our journey along the Trans American bike trail. A 4,288 mile journey from Yorktown, Virginia to Astoria, …
  • Chapter 5: Ocean Bound
    On May 13th, I began my journey via bicycle from the Atlantic to the Pacific Coast along the Trans American Trail with my pal Jenny. We biked through torrential rainfall, blistering …
  • The Epilogue: Reflections of a Cross Country Journey
    After 74 days of biking west, Jenny and I arrived in Astoria, Oregon on July 25th around 2pm. We started our journey in May on the East Coast in Yorktown, …