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Other Writings

  • Highlining
    What the heck is highlining, how do you do it, how does one get into highlining, how the heck do you get those lines across…..all this and more
  • Reflections, Early Spring 2021
    I found a piece of paper, carefully folded among the pages of my journal. It was from about this time a year ago, I was on the mend of a broken ankle. I remember biking out to the river, with my walking boot strapped carefully over an ankle that was still in the process of …
  • What is a Gap Year?
    What is a gap year you ask? By the book, it is period of time taken by a student as a break between secondary school and higher education. It can also be seen as a period of time before one begins a masters or Phd program, before entering the work force after college or even …